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Creating A Productive Workspace At Home | 10 Tips

Are you planning to create a productive workspace at home? Whether you’re running a business from your home or maybe forced to telecommute amid the recent COVID-19 outbreak, creating a home office can be exactly what you need to work efficiently.

If you’re working for someone else it can be easier to adapt to a new work setting. However, if you’re working for yourself it can be extremely difficult to find focus and keep your personal and professional lives separated.

So here are some tips and tricks for creating a productive workspace at home.

1. Find a quiet and well-lit spot in the house

Even though some people are okay with having some noise in the background, others can’t focus at all, whether it’s a dog barking, or children playing in the background. 

If you’re a person who can’t withstand any noise, when creating a productive working space in your home the first thing you should do is to find the quietest place, preferably a separate room with a door that you can close. 

Another aspect is lighting. The best option is to have windows in the room you’re trying to set up your home office in. Natural light plays a big role in creating a perfect work environment and is good for your eyes. In fact, you’re less tired when there’s natural light in the room. 

Quality electrical lighting along with a good desk lamp will also make a huge difference in reducing eye strain and increasing productivity. 

2. Set up the equipment you need for working effectively

Every business has different needs for equipment and furniture. So the very first thing you should do is think of your business’s specific needs. For example, if you will have clients visiting your office at home you need to consider the right furniture and equipment.

Before you start buying furniture for your home office try to set it up with what you already have to save money on expensive things. 

Once you do that, start creating a place that you will love. No matter what your field is you will need a desk and a supportive, ergonomically correct chair to make sure you can work more comfortably and improve both health and productivity. 

Your working space is a place where you will spend most of your time producing quality work so invest in it. To be productive in the long term you should make it inspiring and comfortable. It will set the mood for getting things done. 

When you buy an ergonomically correct chair make sure that it has the following features:

  • Armrests
  • A comfortable cushion
  • A strong back support
  • Adjustable seat height

The last feature is important because you will want to position your computer to eye-level. 

Place a paper recycling bin in convenient locations.

If having background music makes you concentrate better consider setting up speakers.

Here are some other essentials to create a productive workspace at home:

  1. A printer – I recently got an HP DeskJet 3755 all-in-one printer, and it’s a great option for people who are on a budget. 
  2. A good surge protector should be in any home office that uses computer equipment.
  3. High-speed internet access is crucial if you want to work efficiently online.
  4. A UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) – it will give you some extra time to save your work and shut down your equipment safely in case your electricity goes out.
  5. A file cabinet will help you keep your documents well-organized. 
  6. paper shredder is a must-have for any office to destroy confidential and sensitive information. 
  7. Bookcase, stationary, organizers to store supplies such as sticky notes, pens, ink, folders, etc. 

3. Integrate your favorite colors and designs into your work zone

When you’re creating your home office you should definitely integrate your favorite colors and designs. But before you do that think about your working style, and the amount of time you’ll be spending in your office. If it’s only several hours a day creating a colorful accent wall or some vibrant pops of color is an amazing option.

If you know you will be spending many hours there which will require focus and concentration go for neutral shades to create that exact sharpness and clarity.

Try to implement a lot of light and airy colors if the room where you’re creating your home office is pretty small, they will make the room look bigger.

If your work requires a lot of creativity implement some pops of color, different shapes, and textures to inspire creative ideas.

4. Bring nature in

Greenery will help you bring life to your space, circulate oxygen, and allow your creative juices flow. It gives you that nice touch that increases your productivity when you’re working. 

When creating your home office think about where and how you could bring elements of nature into your working space. Do you have room for potted plants? Do you have natural light that some plants might require? 

Recently I got a Peace Lily, it’s so beautiful and doesn’t require much sun. 

Plants in mini trough planters are fantastic if you have limited space. They are small but yet would look nice on your desk. 

If you have a bigger room large plants like a striking palm would add some organic flair to a minimalist space. 

Another great idea is having living green walls that give you a taste of outdoors during your long working hours. They look amazing and truly create a productive workspace at home. 

Indoor hanging planters are great too. So any greenery you decide to bring in, even if it’s a mini cactus, you will never regret it. 

5. Keep it clutter-free and organized

Whether your home office is a separate room or a little corner, keep your working surface clutter-free and organized. If you have too much stuff find some creative and smart solutions to store it. Whether it’s investing in a bookcase or storage boxes, do that. 

Having your working space neat and tidy will spark your creativity and help you focus. If you want to know how to organize and tidy up your home in a way that you have probably never known this article will be very helpful. 

It truly shifted my mindset about organizing and folding clothes to a whole new level. You should try it too!

6. Ventilate your space

Odors from furniture, carpets, paints, and varnishes as well as too dry air affect the indoor climate. A person who is regularly exposed to bad air doesn’t feel well and loses his focus and efficiency. On top of that, he gets headaches. 

Ensure to ventilate your space periodically throughout the day to create a healthy and productive environment. 

How To Create A Healthy And Productive Routine In Isolation

7. Eliminate unnecessary distractions 

When we work from home we need to cultivate self-control and discipline to get work done. Sometimes it can be very hard because we live in a world full of distractions. 

It’s definitely harder to manage our time better and be more productive when there are apps, gadgets, people constantly vying for our attention and keep us distracted.

However, finding and eliminating unnecessary distractions can help us get more things done throughout the day.

Here are some quick tips that help me be more productive when it comes to working:

  1.  Put your phone on airplane mode or use the phone’s “do not disturb” function while you’re working on something important. You can also place your phone in another room or leave it in a desk drawer, bag, or purse.
  2. Turn off your email notifications. Also, close any apps or web browsers containing your email. 
  3. Try the Pomodoro Technique.
  4. If background noise is too distracting, you should invest in noise-canceling headphones or relocating to a quieter area.
  5. Know your habits and main distractions. 

8. Use productivity tools

When you work from home you have to juggle a lot of different tasks and responsibilities that make it difficult to stay on track. 

To actually be productive in your home office you should take advantage of productivity tools. They can help you maximize your time and tasks within a reasonable time frame.

In this article, I go over some highly-recommended productivity tools that can help organize your thoughts and tasks, focus better, communicate with your colleagues effectively, and more. 

9. Set boundaries

So many people are looking for remote jobs, because well, starting work without taking their pajamas off may sound like a fairy tale. 

Working from home has its own perks like flexibility, no rush, or long traffic, however, it can easily blur the line between professional and private lives.

To have a productive workspace at home you need to set boundaries. 

  • Maintain regular hours
  • Create a dedicated workspace
  • Take lunch breaks
  • Put some clothes on
  • When you’re done, stay done
  • Take your days off seriously
  • Have a serious conversation with your kids if they keep you distracted during your working hours

10. Focus on functionality

When you’re creating your home office you should pay attention to the functionality of items and the way they’re located. It’s very individual so you should know what works best for you. 

Think of what type of work you’re doing, are you building spreadsheets, sketching, or handling clerical tasks?  Make sure that you have easy access to all the files and tools that you need for your work. 

Alright, I hope you enjoyed these tips and tricks, now you’re ready to create a productive workspace at home. As I talk a lot about productivity here don’t hesitate to check other articles to help you stay productive and efficient.

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