Monthly Archives: May 2018
What You Need to Know About Mold
Mold needs three things in order to grow and survive: an ideal temperature, food and moisture. Mold isn’t a new problem, nor is it a problem that is easy to prevent. Homes typically have a humidity range that is ideal for mold to grow and have dust particles in the area which means that... Read More
Tips for a Cheaper Mortgage
Buying a home is a great way to give yourself control over your housing costs and to eliminate the need to deal with rising costs of living. However, make sure the mortgage that you are agreeing to pay is realistic for your budget as it is a long-term investment that you are agreeing to. One... Read More
How to Spot Signs of Rodents and Bugs
Unfortunately, just because you don’t see pests during an open house, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t there. Hiring a professional is the best option when deciding if the home that you would like to buy would has a pest problem. However, there are certain signs of pests that you can look for in... Read More
Pros & Cons of Timeshares
Pro: If you can not afford to buy a vacation home, owning a timeshare will allow you to live in the property for the duration of the time that you reserve it for at a lower cost that if you were to own the property. Con: There are more fees involved then people initially believe.... Read More